Private Sessions + Mentoring
Private Sessions
I am thrilled to now be offering
Private Sessions
I am thrilled to offer private yoga sessions to individuals wanting to go deeper in their yoga practice, as well as people who are new to yoga. Private Yoga Sessions with me are an exciting way to customize your yoga journey.
Taught in your home, at your convenience, private sessions offer you my full attention and expertise to guide you through customized sequences to meet your needs and goals. Go Deeper in your practice. Move stuck energy. Learn to customize yoga poses to help heal your specific body.
Private sessions with me focus on where you are on your yoga and healing path. Forrest Yoga works with the body in healing the physical, mental, and emotional trauma that may be trapped. Private yoga sessions will be created based on where you are now in your practice and where you want to go.
Benefits of Private Yoga
Deepen your personal practice
Great for Beginners
Less intimidating than a group class
Move at your pace
Targeted work with Injuries
Sequences specifically designed for you
Personal attention
Work toward specific goals
Customized work to move/free the energy and trauma in the body
Receive one on one support in your healing process
Learn modifications that are right for your body
45 minutes on-line
60 minutes In Person
Semi-private/Small Group sessions are an awesome way to have more private yoga!
$80 base, $20 each additional person.
Seeking a stress-free bridal shower idea or birthday party that doesn’t involve silly games or tea sandwiches? Maybe even a girls night in? Consider turning any celebratory occasion into a chance to unwind with an all-level yoga class with me. Even non-yoginis who’ve never uttered the word namaste might pick up a relaxation technique or two, leaving lighter of mood if not enlightened. A personalized class for you and your friends, at your location, that will help ease the stress of planning your event! Let’s chat!
Yoga Teacher Mentoring Sessions:
Teaching yoga is not an easy endeavor, and we all need support! Teacher Mentoring Sessions are designed to offer additional training, support, guidance, and encouragement in your teaching journey.
I have been very fortunate in my yoga journey to have worked with some of the best teachers who shared their wisdom with me, and now I have the privilege of sharing my expertise. With you.
Benefits of Yoga Teacher Mentoring Sessions:
Sequencing Assistance
Learn New Assists and Modifications
Guidance on how to create successful workshops
Working with the subtle ‘Art’ of teaching: voice control, empath skills, intention setting, etc
How to build your business
Working with injuries and pregnancy
Finding YOUR voice as a teacher
45 minutes on-line
60 minutes In Person
Want your studio to host me – tell me and TELL THEM! Please.